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Sage 10ml




Sage, under the scientific name Salvia officinalis, is a perennial, bush plant with numerous branches and thick, elongated, fluffy white leaves. It is mainly found in dry and stony places of the Greek countryside. The sage essential oil comes from the distillation of the herb and its flowers, has a sweet, herbaceous aroma and has bactericides, fungal and Iostatic properties.

Sage essential oil calms the nervous system and is recommended by aromatherapists in cases of depression, anxiety, insomnia and painful period. It helps to reduce hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, headaches and dizziness. His inhalation of fragrance has mucosal and anti -articular activity, so he is recommended in cases of influenza, colds and more. According to a study by British scientists at Newcastle and Northumbria universities, it has shown to enhance memory function and concentration. In addition, it is believed that its aroma stimulates the erotic mood.

In addition to its burning, sage essential oil can relieve muscle aches, back pain, neck stiffness, cramps and dysmenorrhea, adding 2-3 drops to massage oil or body emulsion. It is also used in face creams, mainly for oily skin, to balance sebum production and act astringent. It can be added to shampoo to bring to life the natural hair color, without destroying the hair and burdening the skin with dangerous chemicals. Sage essential oil is very strong and in large quantities can cause toxicity. With only 2 drops in 100 ml of water, it can be used for gargle and washing, to treat toothache and mouth wounds. It is not allowed to swallow it.

Sage Essential oil combines very well with: bergamot, geranium, oregano, lavender, pine, incense, sandalwood, jasmine and lemon.

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