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Mint 10ml




Mint or Peppermint, the Latin name Mentha Piperita, is a rich aromatic plant of the lipstick family, indigenous Europe and the Middle East that thrives in almost every country in the world. It is a hybrid of Hydha (Mentha aquatica) and mint (Mentha spicata syn. Mentha viridis). In folk medicine it has been used for thousands of years to combat indigestion.

Mint essential oil comes from the distillation of its leaves and flowers and is a colorless to pale yellow oil, with a bright, fresh aroma, which initially leaves a sense of coolness and rejuvenation, and then causes a light numbness. Its refreshing and anesthetic effects are due to the aromatic compound Menthol, a phytochemical with a variety of beneficial properties in the body. It is extremely combined with rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, marjoram and lavender.

Ethereal Nature’s Peppermint essential oil is a real remedy for the soul and body. It is widely used to treat colds, as it contributes significantly to the suppression of coughing and respiratory deconstruction. It also helps digestion, helping to prevent cramp in the abdomen. According to studies, mint can significantly reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, as well as help prevent the formation of ulcers in the stomach. Due to its anticonvulsant action, it soothes muscle spasms throughout the body, effectively relieves the cramps of the period by contributing to cycle regulation, while increasing bile production by relaxing the bile duct muscles, helping to dissolve stones in the stones. bile to some people. It also appears to help treat headache and toothache, but also pain caused by insect bites and rashes, while in laboratory studies, peppermint oil has eliminated bacteria that cause urinary tract infections as well as the virus. of herpes simplex. On a psychological level, its rejuvenating aroma cleanses the mind and helps in clarity.

Attention! Do not use it during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in babies and in young children.

Aromatic note: High / Blending Note: Top

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