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10ml orange




The orange essential oil (Citrus sinensis) comes from cold crushing of its peel and has a fruity, sweet aromatic aromatic aroma. It is known for its high nutritional value, is rich in vitamin C and A, sugars, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy to combat anxiety, depression, nervousness, insomnia and other conditions associated with the functioning of the nervous system. Its vibrant and sweet aroma stimulates the tired body and removes unnecessary tension. It is considered an antipyretic, anticonvulsant, cardiovascular and stimulant of the lymphatic and digestive system. It reduces fluid retention and helps in the function of the intestines and to treat constipation. It has antiseptic and bacteriostatic effects and can be used as a patch at some point on the skin that needs disinfection. It contributes to the production of collagen in the skin, to the protection of the vessels and to the removal of panads and discoloration.

Orange essential oil is perhaps the best alternative to the fight against herbal insects over toxic, chemical insect repellents. Ideal for kitchens and other parts of the house that appear ants. A few drops of essential oil are enough to deal with the problem with the most natural and harmless way of health.

Mixed with rose water (50 drops of oil in 200ml of rose water), orange essential oil is an excellent tonic facial lotion, while mixed with almond oil, in the same ratio, can be used as a moisturizing body for after bathroom care.

The orange essential oil is combined very well with: lavender, lemon, neroli, clove, myrrh and sage.

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